
I woke up this morning and literally thought that a swarm of hornets were gang raping the right side of my face. Memories of choosing bright, Holiday compatible, rubber bands to adorn my dental shrapnel and the horrendous pain that followed, vividly flashed through my head. 

So I hauled ass to the dentist. 

The diagnosis is bleak... wisdom teeth. Bastards. They're impacted and infected. I'm on heavy duty, tear-your-ass-up, antibiotics. When told that I had to get them out ASAP, I told my dentist that we're going to plan for next monday. She asked why. I told her that I want to enjoy this weekend, 
be miserable next week, and be healed for the following weekend. 

Oral surgery, be damned; my lushery will not skip a weekend. 

It's not all bad. I now am sitting home, in sweats, in my bed, eating anything chewable in front of me, 
and Googling which sports bar I want to watch the Rangers' game at. Rough life.

Ps. Tested my blood sugar today. Ya know, for shits and giggles. I checked the memory and saw that my last reading was a week ago. 


This isn't a disclaimer. I'm just telling you that I'm a shit diabetic. 

I guess I should get on that? 

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